
Walter Reed Military Hospital Cuts Pastoral Care Contract With Catholic Priests, Chooses Secular Company Instead

The Walter Reed National Military Medical Center has cut ties with the community of Catholic priests that have administered religious rights to service members and veterans at the hospital for two decades.
Walter Reed Medical Center, one of the most prominent military hospitals in the United States, issued a cease and desist letter on March 31, informing the Franciscan priests and brothers of the nearby Holy Name College Friary that they must stop their religious services for service members and veterans at the hospital.
The Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services condemned the cease and desist notice, which they said violates the First Amendment right to the free exercise of oneโ€™s religion. Specifically, the archdiocese said the move leaves Catholic service members and veterans at the hospital without access to adequate pastoral care….

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  • Clinton wearing Monica's blue dress in the Jeffrey Epstein Painting.
  • Michael's Husband Barry.
  • Mr. PhotoOp looking through the capped binoculars George NumNutz Bush.
  • The Masked Weirdo named #QuidProJoe.

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