
Texas Governor Seeks to Pardon Army Sergeant Convicted of Killing Gun-Wielding Protester

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said he is seeking to pardon the U.S. Army sergeant who was convicted of shooting dead a man wielding a gun at him during a Black Lives Matter protest in 2020.
Abbott announced on April 8 that he will pardon Sgt. Daniel Perry, 37, who was working for Uber in Austin at the time, as soon as a request from the stateโ€™s parole board โ€œhits my desk.โ€
โ€œI am working as swiftly as Texas law allows regarding the pardon of Sgt. Perry,โ€ Abbott wrote on Twitter.
Abbott explained in his tweet that the state constitution limits the governorโ€™s pardon authority only on a recommendation by the stateโ€™s Board of Pardons and Paroles….

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