
Calls for Biden to investigate mount after Pentagon publishes video of UFO flying above combat zone

The Pentagon released newly declassified video footage on Wednesday of what appears to be a UFO flying over an active combat zone as it tracks 650 reported sightings primarily off both coasts of the US, over the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East.

(Video Credit: CBS News)

In developments that are beginning to echo pieces of the cult classic โ€œIndependence Day,โ€ the new uptick in UFOs has military officials both puzzled and worried.

Footage of a mysterious spherical object was caught on video by a US military drone as it zipped across the sky above the military zone in the Middle East. Officials have no idea what the fast-moving orb is, according to Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the director of the Pentagonโ€™s new All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). The clip was played during a Senate Committee on Armed Services hearing.

โ€œThis is essentially all the data we have of this event,โ€ Kirkpatrick noted. โ€œItโ€™s going to be virtually impossible to fully identify that just based off that video.โ€

He went on to assert that they donโ€™t believe the object presented any โ€œapparent threat to airborne-asset safety.โ€

(Video Credit: NewsNation)

Even though Kirkpatrick admitted the Pentagon was investigating 650 UFOs currently, he contended that there is no suggestion of alien activity. But there are those in and out of the military who disagree with that assessment.

โ€œAARO has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology, or objects that defy the known laws of physics,โ€ he speciously claimed at the hearing.

AARO Director Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick:

โ€œAARO has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology, or objects that defy the known laws of physics.โ€#ufotwitter #ufo #uap pic.twitter.com/0Si9siId96

โ€” UAP James (@UAPJames) April 19, 2023

Most Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs โ€“ the government term for UFO) turn out to be โ€œballoons, aerial systems, clutter, natural phenomena or other readily explainable sources,โ€ Kirkpatrick contended.

Wednesdayโ€™s hearing was the second time the government has conducted a public meeting about UFOs in the last 50 years, according to Fox News.

Former Navy pilot Ryan Graves stepped up to the plate, calling on President Biden to investigate the surge of UFOs in American airspace. He claims if we donโ€™t, we risk being outmaneuvered by a foreign power. He also asserts that the president has a responsibility to tell the American people what is happening in regard to UFOs.

President Biden @POTUS should meet with pilots like @uncertainvector and @DietrichVFA41 about advanced UAP. This is not about balloons.

Letโ€™s come together, support pilots, and bring the fight for transparency to DC. Join us at https://t.co/L9vvoUBcVv #trustpilots

โ€” Americans for Safe Aerospace (@SafeAerospace) March 3, 2023

โ€œI think Biden holds the hammer on communication on this topic. I think that from the executive branch, they need to ensure the American people that they serve have the communication flow and the comfort and the leadership in the Department of Defense and the organization is now set up to do that,โ€ he asserted.

The pilot testified on Wednesday that he has seen UAPs during his career. He referred to Kirkpatrickโ€™s testimony while speaking with Fox News Digital in an interview.

He alluded to โ€œfrictionโ€ between government agencies over the issue as well.

โ€œI believe that if the Biden administration, the interagency task force that they set up can help bring those different agencies together, then itโ€™s going to be the Biden administrationโ€™s responsibility to communicate the results of that investigation,โ€ Graves stated.

โ€œIn the past, the description and the shape of the objects were classified. In this hearing, we learned that about 50% of the objects are spherical in description. And then thereโ€™s a plethora of other descriptions of smaller probabilities that they discussed. They also showed that the objects were essentially operating in all the U.S. operational areas,โ€ he explained. โ€œThat includes the East and West Coast as well as over the actual continental United States.โ€

Former Navy fighter pilot Ryan Graves discusses his UAP encounters and his new aerospace safety advocacy organization @SafeAerospace#ufotwitter #ufo @uncertainvector pic.twitter.com/lhERVzShVd

โ€” UAP James (@UAPJames) March 14, 2023

The UFOs have been seen in โ€œoperational areas off of Japan and in the Middle East as well,โ€ he said. According to the pilot, some of them were at altitudes โ€œright smack dab in the center of our airspace,โ€ also making them a โ€œserious aviation safety issue.โ€

โ€œThe primary shape of these objects is spherical,โ€ Graves pointed out, adding that Dr. Kirkpatrick described some of the spheres as โ€œclear,โ€ โ€œopaqueโ€ or even โ€œtranslucent.โ€

Both Graves and Kirkpatrick are calling on the Department of Defense to โ€œnormalizeโ€ the discussion of UFOs.

The possibilities for these UFOs could be anything from a foreign technology โ€œall the way to space aliens,โ€ Graves declared.

โ€œBut right now,โ€ he remarked, โ€œI donโ€™t know if thereโ€™s enough collaboration and cooperation between the individual branches and organizationsโ€ for people like Dr. Kirkpatrick to be able to investigate the UAPs.

Ryan Graves on @CNNThisMorning on today’s Senate UAP hearing:

โ€“ Do we have a domainย awareness gap?
โ€“ Are pilots comfortable reporting UAP?
โ€“ Have weย received testimony from whistleblowers and has that beenย properly reported to congress?#ufotwitter #trustpilots pic.twitter.com/ORmKq0QSRp

โ€” Americans for Safe Aerospace (@SafeAerospace) April 19, 2023

The former Navy pilot says that the American public has shifted to a โ€œsense of urgencyโ€ about the potential national security threats of UAPs. He believes the implication of national security threats regarding UFOs could be catastrophic.

He doesnโ€™t want a repeat of 9/11 due to a failure to address the issue.

โ€œIโ€™m almost hesitant to make this comparison,โ€ Graves commented, โ€œbut weโ€™ve seen what massive intelligence failures can lead to. We lived through 9/11 and weโ€™ve seen the repercussions of different intelligence agencies not communicating what they know individually to put that full picture together.โ€

โ€œLetโ€™s solve it again, so we donโ€™t get to potentially something catastrophic, not necessarily with UFOs or aliens, but some foreign adversary could take advantage of that gap in our domain awareness for bad purposes.โ€

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